Chronic pain after ankle Sprain

Twisting injury of the ankle is a very common condition and mode of injury we see daily. However, some are mild injuries while others are major which may not let the patient bear weight. These major injuries are up to 20 % of all ankle twisting injuries. These patients if not evaluated properly and left untreated may lead to a chronic painful ankle.

There can be more than 20 reasons for chronic ankle pain after a twisting injury, starting from fractures to tendon injuries to ligament injuries. So, it is better to get yourself evaluated by a trained foot and ankle specialist if you are suffering from such chronic ankle pain. The important signs that indicate you need special care is persistent swelling, repeated twisting or instability, pain while climbing or getting down stairs, difficulty in walking on uneven surfaces, pain in the ankle after walking for a short distance and clicking or snapping noise in the ankle. 

A basic examination by a specialist in foot and ankle can detect your problem, but still may need medical imaging like X rays, CT scan or MRI to confirm your diagnosis.

Treatment can be very simple crepe bandage to plasters with rest for 6 to 8 weeks. But sometimes surgery may be required especially when the problem gets prolonged and painful. Temporary measures like physiotherapy and injection are just transient and can cause further damage to the ankle if done without proper evaluation. Restoring normal structure of the ankle is important rather than using temporary measures to tide over pain.

Open or Keyhole procedures with laser and highly specific localized interventions are available which will lead to quick accelerated recovery for your ankle problems.


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